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Trio CénaclePoésie chantée d'un visionnaire
Songs on poems by Victor Hugo

Trio Cénacle
Evelyn Czesla Soprano
Nico Wouterse Bass-baritone
Michèle Kerschenmeyer Piano
Pitt Simon Speaker

catalog number: 21147

Trio Cénacle with the Luxemburg pianist Michèle Kerschenmeyer, the German soprano Evelyn Czesla and the Dutch bass-baritone Nico Wouterse decided in 2021 to record this CD. The starting point in 2017 was the 14-minute composition À Vianden by the Luxemburg composer Marco Pütz, which he dedicated to Trio Cénacle, who also premiered it, and which, in 2020, was also adapted into a musical-scenic and award-winning short film by the French filmmaker James Chan-A-Sue.