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Yulduz Turdieva - The rising star of the East

Yulduz Turdieva
The rising star of the East

Yulduz Turdieva, vocals
Ulugbek Temirov, doyra
Qahramon Boltaev, tar & rubob
Abduvohid Mirza-Ahmedov, gijjak & violon

catalog number 21061

"This CD presents several distinct facets of the professional music of Inner Asia: the Uzbek tradition (in its two aspects, classical and popular) and the learned Persian and Azerbaijan tradition. However, far from being merely a patchwork of brilliant performances, this program is providing a unity by an outstanding singer, a unique case in modern times of an artist who, despite her young age, masters several musical idioms and classical styles, which are commonly considered so difficult that it would take half a lifetime to master them.
Although there are many brilliant singers in Uzbekistan, Yulduz stands out because of her exceptional musical qualities and her adaptability to diverse classical genres. Her communicative passion, her natural joy of singing have enabled her to free herself of the academic structures within which other Uzbek stars - who have also gained fame on the international scene - are stubbornly confined. Her artistic instinct, her radiating presence, her charm and human qualities all combine to designate her as a diva predestined for worldwide stardom."
Jean During