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Friedhelm Döhl Edition Volume 4
 Gesang und Klavier. Liederzyklen

Friedhelm Döhl Edition Vol. 4

„...wenn aber“ / 9 Hölderlin-Fragments
7 Haiku
7 Stationen
Itke Songs

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, baritone
Aribert Reimann, piano

Eva Csapò, soprano
Mario Venzago, piano

Friedhelm Döhl, accordion

catalog number 21023

"Döhls music represents a central aesthetic position of new art. To him, composing is asking questions of his 'self', music is a medium which he uses in his dealings with a world, whose brokenness and fragility is to be brought to light through art… The partial frugality of the angular contours, repetitive rhythms and glaring contrasts have a direct correlation to highly expressive cantability and dionysistic sound sensuality."

Wilfried Gruhn, in 'Metzlers Composers Lexicon'


About Friedhelm Döhl Edition

"Edition of the year" - Tilmann Urbach, Fono Forum 12/2009

"Performances and supporting documentation are admirable."
Cambridge University Press

„Une voix des profondeurs dans le désert du présent“
Fred Audin/ ClassiqueInfo-Disque, 02/2009